My hometown is in pine valley, the mountains green, water clear, is a beautiful place. There is a stone forest, dark valley, nine pot of wellknown forest park, ordovician park, etc. But my favorite is the beauty of the dark valley.
Black valley is located in chongqing wansheng Montenegro town, is the national AAAA level scenic area, a valley ecological preserve one's health. There mountains green water show, according to deep and remote valley, charactizing a fine spring day, is a leisure good place for summer!
Black valley scenic spot a lot, linger. Especially "camel west", as a head of a camel west. God longdong as a huge mouths open, bottomless, daunting. Suspension bridge is the most fun. Go to swing above, in the past, my heart in my mouth, holding on to the rope, exclaimed jumped to the other side. It's very exciting! Feel the whole valley will joy. Look at that black valley water clear, little fish swimming freely in the water, let a person envy!
This is what I like the dark val【回答】
渝贵高铁万盛站设在重庆市万盛区南桐镇平山社区。离重庆站136公里,离綦江站48公里,离南川站35公里。 渝贵高速铁路又名渝贵客运专线,为国家《中长期铁路网规划》“八纵八横”高速铁路主通道包(银)海通道的重要组成部分。已列入重庆、贵州“十三五”开展前期工作项目。 渝贵高速铁路线路走向: 重庆东站—綦江站—万盛站—遵义东站—开阳站—贵阳东站,线路全长约345公里,其中贵州境内233公里,重庆境内约115公里。 渝贵高速铁路与包西高铁、西渝高铁、贵南高铁等形成包海高铁大通道、在重庆东站与西渝高铁顺接,在贵安站与贵南高铁对接。 形成、内蒙古、陕西、宁夏、重庆、川东等地向南至贵阳、南宁、北部湾、广州方向的高速铁路通道,承担关中、成渝、黔中、呼包、宁夏、北部湾、珠三角等城市群贯通性的大通道客流, 同时置换出渝黔铁路新线承担的部分大通道客流,释放老川黔铁路货运能力,实现大通道客货分离。是包(银)海高速铁路的重要组成部分。 以上内容参考:百度百科-渝贵高速铁路 百度百科-万盛站