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问题一:面对面交谈用英语怎么说 面对面交谈
1.face-to-face meeting(会议)
2.face-to-face conversations(会话)
Provide a written summary of your request after the face-to-face meeting.
The methods include face-to-face conversations or telephone interviews or questionnaires, and so on

问题二:面对面用英语怎么说???? face to face.

问题三:面对面用英语怎么说啊 facetoface

问题四:我们应该面对面交流用英语怎么说 we should munication face to face

问题五:面对面就坐 汉译英 sit face to face

问题六:面对面交流用英文怎么翻译 面对面交流:
face-to-face munication;
face-to-face exchange

问题七:面对面 英文是什么? Face to face 或face to face

问题八:面对面交流 英文怎么说 exchange face to face
municate face to face
actual是“实际的,现行的”如果是actual English 勉强可以表示面对面交流,但是面对面有一个固定的表示就是face to face ,所以最好不要用actual,actual表达得也不是很清楚

问题九:我也期待能与你面对面交流 用英语怎么说 I am looking forward to face to face talks with you

问题十:面对面用英语怎么说啊 facetoface



  你知道面对面的英语怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧。   面对面的英文释义:   face to face   F2F   front to front   nose to nose   visavis   confrontation   面对面的英文例句:   盗贼一拐弯面对面地碰上个警察。   The burglar turned the corner and found himself face to face with a policeman.   他心向往之的是要面对面地见见他心目中的流行曲歌星。   His ambition was to meet his favourite pop star face to face.   【谚】面对面,真相白。   Face to face, the truth comes out. 面对面英语怎么说   我们如果能面对面地谈谈价格问题,那将会很有帮助的。   It would be helpful if we could have a talk on price face to face.   男孩和他的父亲面对面坐着。   Herbert fabricated an excuse to escape punishment.   他心向往之的是要面对面地见见他心目中的流行曲歌星。   His ambition is to meet his favourite pop star face to face.    现代舞 蹈中一般的位置是面对面的。   The usual position in modern dancing is visavis.   一个老头和一个男孩在公园面对面地坐在长椅了上。   An old man and a young lad were sitting on opposite benches in the park.   两幢面对面的房子。   Two houses are over against each other.   我们面对面地交谈。   We talked face to face.   到那时可能我已经在天堂了,也已经面对面地见到了上帝。   Perhaps on the other side of eternity, when I see God face to face.   如果你想在生意上获得更多的客户,走出去,去面对面地会见(大多数人害怕这样做)。   If you want to get more clients for your business, get out there and go meet face to face (most people are afraid to do this).   我要与他面对面说话, 乃是明说,不用 谜语 , 并且他必见我的形象.你们毁谤我的仆人摩西,为何不惧怕呢?   With him I speak face to face, clearly and not in riddles; he sees the form of the Lord . Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?   或者是,你们俩面对面并且让她把一条腿缠在你的腰部,而你则把手放在她身后的墙壁上。   Or, face each other and have her hook one of her legs around your waist, whileyou rest your hand flat on the shower wall behind her.   使用互联网,你就不需要和人进行面对面的进行互动。   With the internet website you have no face to face human interaction.   令人惊讶的是,剑桥大学的这一调查发现成人和孩子都更喜欢面对面交流。   Surprisingly the study, by Cambridge University, found children as well as adultspreferred to communicate face to face.   与将所有要求写在一个静态文档中不同,其思想是进行面对面的交流,减少产生误解的机会。   The idea is that communicating face to face minimizes the chances ofmisunderstanding, unlike writing all the requirements down in a static document.   在我们之间发生过的每一件事在没有浮出水面之时,我们怎么能够面对面地相见呢?   How could we meet face to face without everything that had happened betweenus coming to the surface?   用上网取代面对面 :有很多不同的线上会议方案可以让你们聊天、开视频会议、和推荐者与代表们一起分享和编辑文件。   Online instead of face to face : There are so many different online meetingsolutions that let you chat, video conference, share and edit documents withpresenters and delegates.   文档并不是唯一的交流 方法 ,在敏捷中如SCRUM或XP面对面交流等方法取代了一部分文档的需求。   Documentation is not the only method of communication. In agile methodologiessuch as SCRUM or XP face to face contact replaces some documentation needs.   我喜欢的另外一种状态是与人面对面的深入交流,在见面不久,我就可以与他们探讨人生目标或者主观看法这样的话题,我很高兴。   Another location I love is the space of connecting deeply with people face to face. I like that I can discuss topics like life purpose or subjective reality with peopleshortly after I meet them.   从办公椅上抬起你得屁股,去与客户面对面交流。   Get your ass of your office chair and get face to face.   你会在一个面对面的会议中做这样的事情么?   Would you do this in a face-to-face meeting?   文档只记录必要的信息,以便于传播。设计与开发团队应该尽量坐在一起,因为跨职能的协作和面对面的沟通至关重要。   Document only what is needed to get the message across and co-locate if at allpossible, because cross-disciplinary collaboration and face to facecommunication are vital.   有些人可能会说科技损害了友谊,因为它,人们更喜欢在电脑屏幕前打字交流而不是面对面的见面。   Some people argue that technology hurts friendships, because it encouragespeople to stay tapping behind a computer screen rather than see people face to face.   面对面是最好的办法。   Face to face is best.   渐渐地,安东尼奥尼引导我们与时空面对面,无所多余,也无所缺少。   Gradually Antonioni brings us face to face with time and space, nothing more,nothing less.   她说,“可是,孩子们从父母身上学习如何交流,但偏偏我们因为不再面对面说话而失去了这些能力,比如说至关重要的肢体语言。   But kids learn how to communicate from their parents and we lose all sorts of things – crucial body language for example – by not talking face to face.   长大成人以后,许多夫妻说他们最亲密的谈话就是发生在长途旅行的车中,因为他们虽然被绑在了一 起,但他们无需与对方面对面。   And as adults, many couples say they have their most intimate discussions onlong drives, because they are trapped together yet not forced to face each otherdirectly.



面对面交流的好处:面对面的聊天才能观察到对方实时的表情和神态,才能捕捉到对方所表达的感情。口头言语的交流才能在第一时间内毫无保留地将内心的感受说出来,不用受语言文字的限制,想到哪儿说哪儿,这样才能更容易与交流的对方建立起情感的共鸣。 而网聊则不一样,网聊更多时候需要经过语言文字的编辑,这就造成了网聊有太多不真实的地方,至少可以说话的人可以完全不在意泄漏自己最真实的感情,毕竟用书面语撒谎比口头说话撒谎容易得多。这也就是为什么即使有视频聊天语音聊天也很难挽救异地恋感情的原因。  扩展资料: 交流注意事项: 1、在注意以上三项要素的前提下,言辞的选用是达成共识必不可少的因素之一。不恰当的言辞主要表现为: 2、话语冗长,主题不突出使其他人不知你谈话的重点和主题,形成了拖沓的局面; 3、谈话时主题不清晰,使他人不知重点而产生错觉; 4、在交流中只顾自己而不顾对方的情绪。 5、在与他人的沟通交往中需注意的一条宗旨——留有余地,这不单是对他人的尊重,也是对事物发展预知性的估计


