ottawa的读法是英[ˈɒtəwə];美[ˈɑːtəwə]。 词典: 渥太华 短语搭配: Ottawa Treaty渥太华条约;渥太华公约;渥太华禁雷公约 Eagle Ottawa鹰革沃特华;鹰革沃特华公司 Ottawa Charter渥太华宪章 双语例句 Ottawa is the capital of Canada. 渥太华是加拿大的首都。 Ottawa is the capital city of Canada, in the southeastern part of the country. 渥太华是加拿大的首都位于该国的东南部。 Ottawa and Washington have to find a delicate balance between the free flow of commerce and legitimate security concerns. 渥太华和华盛顿必须在自由贸易流通和司法安全事务之间找到一个微妙的平衡。
ottawa怎么读英语介绍如下: Ottawa:英/ˈɒtəwə/。美/ˈɑtəˌwɑ/。 n. 渥太华(加拿大首都);渥太华河(加拿大东南部河流);渥太华人(居于加拿大的印第安人)。 adj. 奥吉布华语的。 In 1937 he was seconded to the Royal Canadian Air Force in Ottawa as air armament adviser 1937年他被临时调往渥太华的加拿大皇家空军担任军备顾问。 The celebrations in Ottawa, Canada's capital city, are especially grand and exciting. 加拿大首都渥太华的庆祝活动尤为隆重和激动人心。 Dr Peter Tanuseputro, at the Ottawa Hospital, said:" Knowing how long a person has to live is essential in making informed decisions about what treatments they should get and where they should get them. 渥太华医院医生彼得·塔努塞普特罗说:“了解一个人还能活多长时间,对他们应该接受哪些治疗以及在哪里接受治疗等问题做出合理判断至关重要。 Dr Amy Hsu, an investigator7 at the Bruyere Research Institute and at the University of Ottawa in Canada, said:" The RESPECT calculator allows families and their loved ones to plan. Bruyere研究院和加拿大渥太华大学研究员艾米·许博士称:“‘生命计算器’可以让家人和他们的挚爱有所准备”。 After a year, however, her teacher went back to ottawa. 可是,一年后,她的老师回渥太华了。
渥太华怎么读 渥太华如何读
1、渥太华读 [wò tài huá]。渥太华英文为:Ottawa 音标为:英 [ɒtəwə];美 [ɑ:təwə];
渥太华是加拿大的首都,全国第六大城市,面积2778平方公里,位于安大略省东南部,渥太华河南岸,多伦多以东400公里,蒙特利尔以西190公里。那么你知道渥太华用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 渥太华英语释义: Ottawa 渥太华英语例句: 下次什么时候到渥太华来呀? When will you be back in Ottawa? 在渥太华的一场新闻发布会上,她说:“在考察的后期,我们一晚上就会被冰流冲出去三海里……这也是一个主要因素。” "At the end of the expedition we were losing three nautical miles a night ... itwas quite a major factor," she told a news conference in Ottawa. 1986年的渥太华宪章确定了健康促进的核心原则,试图查明和积极影响健康问题根本原因或决定因素。 The Ottawa Charter of 1986 established the core principles of HealthPromotion which seek to identify and positively affect the root causes, ordeterminants, of health. 华盛顿和渥太华的官员都在竭力避免爆发全面的贸易战。 Officials in Washington and Ottawa are scrambling to avoid an all-out trade war. 我住在渥太华,加拿大的首都。 I live in Ottawa, the capital city of Canada. 这句歌词有没有必要改成性别中立?如今,渥太华希望就此问题发动一场公众讨论。 Ottawa now wants to start a public discussion on whether Canada shouldadopt a gender-neutral version of the song. 我们不应忘记,2011年是《渥太华健康促进宪章》签署25周年。该文书是一个转折点,促进人们认识到健康是幸福的标志和政府的一项责任。 Let us remember that 2011 is the 25th anniversary of the Ottawa Charter forHealth promotion, a turning point to understand health as well-being and asa responsibility of governments. 现在他的父母正在筹备星期六将在渥太华举行的葬礼。 Now their parents are planning a small funeral for him in Ottawa on Saturday. 庆祝活动将在渥太华举行,加拿大卫生部长以及世卫组织和 其它 国际伙伴的来宾将出席。 Festivities will take place in Ottawa, in the presence of the Canadian Ministerof Health and guests from WHO and other international partners. 答:据我了解,胡锦涛同志将访问渥太华和多伦多,在多伦多主要是出席G20领导人第四次峰会。 A: To my knowledge, President Hu Jintao will be visiting Ottawa andToronto. In Toronto, he is to attend the fourth G20 summit. 一个外形和尺寸十分像太空飞船的热气球漂浮在渥太华上空。 A hot air balloon, shaped and sized to resemble the Space Shuttle, driftsover Ottawa. 渥太华——今年,加拿大东部沿海地区一年一度的追捕格陵兰海豹活动快要停止了。 OTTAWA — The annual hunt for harp seals off the coast of eastern Canadawill barely take place this year. 我们也感谢加拿大保罗•马丁,他于上个月在渥太华主持了关于全球大流行性流感防备问题部长级会议。 Our thanks also go to Prime Minister Paul Martin of Canada for hosting theMinisterial meeting in Ottawa on Global Pandemic Influenza Readiness last month. 本文最初刊载于加拿大的《渥太华公民报》。 This article first appeared in the Ottawa Citizen, Canada. 周一,包括卡尔加里、蒙特利尔、哈利法克斯和渥太华在内的加拿大各城市也举行了各种活动。 Activities also took place in cities across Canada on Monday, including Calgary, Montreal, Halifax and Ottawa. “拖延是意志薄弱的表现,没有任何好处,”加拿大渥太华的卡尔顿大学(Carleton University)心理学教授蒂姆•皮切尔(参见他的网站procrastination.ca)说。 Procrastination is weakness of will, “ says Tim pychyl of Carleton College in Ottawa, Canada, who also runs the website procrastination. 它具有极大的普遍性,”渥太华卡尔顿大学的Ritter教授告诉美联社。 It ’ s tremendously widespread, ” Ritter, a professor at Carlton University in Ottawa, told AP. 海因斯先生(加拿大)(以英语发言):12月3日将是《渥太华公约》开放供签署五周年的日子。 Mr. Hynes ( Canada): 3 December will mark five years since the Ottawa Convention was opened for signature. 一对新人专程从加拿大渥太华的家乡来到拉斯维加斯举行枪支婚礼,因为家乡那里的枪支法律比美国内华达州要严格得多。 One couple travelled from their home in Ottawa, Canada, where gun laws are much stricter than Nevada.