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紫罗兰蓝里透紫,紫里带蓝。因为紫色有很多种,所以紫罗兰其实就是紫色里面最纯那个颜色。 具体来说,紫罗兰在蓝色系中属于最深的颜色,是带有紫色的深蓝,在紫色系中属于偏冷的色调。紫罗兰是一种高贵而又神秘的颜色,可以最大程度地衬托出冷艳而脱俗的气质。 拓展资料: 紫罗兰(学名:Matthiola incana (L.) R. Br.)是十字花科、紫罗兰属二年生或多年生草本。 全株密被灰白色具柄的分枝柔毛。茎直立,多分枝,基部稍木质化。叶片长圆形至倒披针形或匙形。 原产地中海沿岸。中国南部地区广泛栽培,欧洲名花之一。中国大城市中常有物种,可以栽于庭园或温室中,供观赏。此花与三色堇相似,易混淆。 二年生或多年生草本,高达60厘米,全株密被灰白色具柄的分枝柔毛。 茎直立,多分枝,基部稍木质化。叶片长圆形至倒披针形或匙形,连叶柄长6-14厘米,宽1.2-2.5厘米,全缘或呈微波状,顶端钝圆或罕具短尖头,基部渐狭成柄。 参考资料:紫罗兰-百度百科



紫罗兰 有紫色、淡红色、白色、红色四种单色以及紫白、蓝紫等复色,其中紫色紫罗兰是阿贝拉、淡红色紫罗兰是英卡纳,白色紫罗兰是艾达,养殖紫罗兰时,要为其提供散射光照,让植株开出鲜艳的花朵。 紫罗兰有哪些颜色 1、颜色介绍 紫罗兰的颜色有紫色、淡红色、白色、红色、黄色、蓝紫、紫白,其中紫色的紫罗兰是阿贝拉、红色紫罗兰是弗朗西斯克,黄色紫罗兰是卡门,但市面上大多数紫罗兰都是紫色的,其它颜色较为少见。 2、提供光照 紫罗兰对光照的需求较大,光照不足容易出现徒长现象,养殖时要将其放在散光充足的环境中,维持其生长,但冬季光线较弱时,应该将紫罗兰放在向阳的环境中,为其提供全日照。 3、病害防治 紫罗兰的抗病性较差,容易患上叶斑病,养殖时要定期将植株根部的落叶、杂草清理干净,并为紫罗兰通风透气,避免细菌滋生。如果已经患病,应该将病害枝叶剪除,然后向紫罗兰喷洒多菌灵药剂治疗。



2013艾美奖 迷你剧/电视电影最佳女配角(提名)钢木兰花 (2012)2010Image Awards Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture(提名)美国紫罗兰(2008)Black Reel Awards(Black Reel) 最佳群像演技(提名)美国紫罗兰(2008)Black Reel Awards(Black Reel) 最佳女配角(提名)美国紫罗兰(2008)2009Image Awards Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture(提名)家庭纷争(2008)Image Awards Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series(提名)我以我为敌(2008)2008艾美奖 Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie(提名)孤女梦痕(2007)Black Reel Awards(Black Reel) 最佳女主角(提名)家庭纷争(2008)2006艾美奖 最佳女配角(喜剧类)(提名)绝望主妇 第一季(2004)艾美奖 Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie(提名)大河宽宽(2006)Black Movie Awards Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role(提名)新人恋曲(2006)2004Image Awards Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture真情电波(2003)2003艾美奖 最佳客串女演员(剧情类)律师本色 第一季(1997)2002Image Awards Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture(提名)K星异客(2001)2001金球奖(Golden Globe) Best Performance by an Actress in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for TV(提名)Holiday Heart(2000)Image Awards(Image Award) Outstanding Performance in a Youth or Children's Series/Special(提名)The Wishing Tree(1999)Image Awards(Image Award) Outstanding Actress in a Television Movie, Mini-Series or Dramatic Special(提名)Holiday Heart(2000)Image Awards Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture爱情和篮球(2000)Black Reel Awards(Black Reel) Theatrical - Best Actress(提名)谁在煮食(2000)Black Reel Awards(Black Reel) Network/Cable - Best Actress(提名)Holiday Heart(2000)2000Black Reel Awards(Black Reel) Network/Cable - Best Actress(提名)往日缘系今日情(1999) 1999独立精神奖 最佳女主角(提名)亲情密西西比(1998)Image Awards Outstanding Lead Actress in a Motion Picture(提名)亲情密西西比(1998)Acapulco Black Film Festival 最佳女演员(提名)亲情密西西比(1998)1998金球奖(Golden Globe) Best Performance by an Actress in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for TVMiss Evers' Boys(1997)金卫星奖 Best Performance by an Actress in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for TelevisionMiss Evers' Boys(1997)艾美奖 最佳客串女演员(剧情类)(提名)情理法的春天(1993)演员工会奖(Actor) Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a TV Movie or MiniseriesMiss Evers' Boys(1997)Image Awards Outstanding Lead Actress in a Television Movie or Mini-SeriesMiss Evers' Boys(1997)1997金卫星奖 Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television(提名)格列佛游记(1996)艾美奖(Emmy) Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or a SpecialMiss Evers' Boys(1997)Image Awards Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture(提名)星际旅行8:第一类接触(1996)1996艾美奖(Emmy) Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or a Special(提名)格列佛游记(1996)演员工会奖(Actor) Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a TV Movie or Miniseries琴韵深情(1995)演员工会奖(Actor) Outstanding Performance by a Cast(提名)恋爱编织梦(1996)Image Awards Outstanding Actress in a Television Movie, Mini-Series琴韵深情(1995)Image Awards Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture(提名)恋爱编织梦(1996)1995艾美奖(Emmy) Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or a Special(提名)琴韵深情(1995)Women in Film Crystal Awards Crystal Award1994土星奖 最佳女配角(提名)穿梭阴阳间(1993)1993金球奖(Golden Globe) 最佳女配角(提名)激情之鱼(1992)独立精神奖 Best Supporting Female激情之鱼(1992)1992Image Awards(Image Award) Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series, Mini-Series or Television MovieA Mother's Courage: The Mary Thomas Story(1989)Image Awards Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series, Mini-Series or Television Movie1990艾美奖(Emmy) Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or a Special(提名)A Mother's Courage: The Mary Thomas Story(1989)Image Awards(Image Award) Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series, Mini-Series or Television MovieMandela(1987)Image Awards Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series, Mini-Series or Television Movie1989Image Awards(Image Award) Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series, Mini-Series or Television MovieUnnatural Causes(1986)Image Awards Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series, Mini-Series or Television Movie1988艾美奖 Outstanding Guest Performer in a Drama Series(提名)波城杏话(1982)1987艾美奖(Emmy) Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or a Special(提名)Unnatural Causes(1986)艾美奖(Emmy) Outstanding Guest Performer in a Drama Series洛城法网(1986)艾美奖 Outstanding Guest Performer in a Drama Series1986艾美奖 Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series(提名)波城杏话(1982)1984艾美奖 最佳女配角(剧情类)山街蓝调(1981)奥斯卡(美国电影学院奖) 最佳女配角(提名)十字小溪(1983)



紫藤花是保加利亚的国花。寓意是爱上你是我今生最大的幸福,想你是我最甜蜜的痛苦,和你在一起是我的骄傲,没有你的我就像一只迷失了航线的船。思念心中的她或他,是一种美好爱情的向往。 紫藤花可提炼芳香油,并有解毒、止吐止泻等功效。紫藤皮则有杀虫、止痛、祛风通络等作用;也可食用。同时也可做绿化观赏植物。《本草拾遗》载:“紫藤,子作角,其中仁熬令香,著酒中令不败,酒败者用之亦正。四月生紫花可爱,人亦种之,江东呼为招豆藤,皮著树,从心重重有皮。” 明代周王朱橘所著《救荒本草》,把紫藤花称为“藤花菜”,是灾害时期的救命菜。在中国河南、山东、河北一带,人们还常采紫藤花蒸食。北京的“紫萝饼”和一些地方的“紫藤糕”、“紫藤粥”、“炸紫藤鱼”、“凉拌葛花”、“炒葛花菜”,都是加入紫藤花做成的。 唐代李白《紫藤树》日:“紫藤挂云木,花蔓宜阳春。密叶隐歌鸟,香风留美人。”诗中把紫藤同香风美人摆在一起,刻画了紫藤优美的姿态和迷人的风采。