搜一首英文歌曲歌词听上去像是大利哥大利哥大利哥 是利哥的徒孙唱得 急急急
I'll Be With You - Hedley 5 a.m. where's my friend Sunset Boulevard Flashing lights read my rights Guess I went to far Talking trash spend my cash No one else to blame It's always end it's always ends the same If I'm not in jail tonight if I don't in hell tonight And if I don't lose a fight And if I don't lose my mind I'll be with you I'll be with you Oh dearling everytime I try to stop Everytime they call the cops If I don't do the stupid things I do I'll be with you Sleep all day up all night Story of my life Try to change change my ways I can't get it right I'll get clean Charlie Sheen Maybe not today It always ends it always ends the same If I'm not in jail tonight If I don't in hell tonight And if I don't lose a fight And if I don't lose my mind I'll be with you I'll be with you Oh darling every time I try to stop Every time they call the cops If I don't do the stupid shit I do I'll be with you I'll be with you Oh darling every time I try to stop Every time they call the cops If I don't do the stupid shit I do I'll be with you If I'm not in jail tonight If I don't in hell tonight And if I don't lose a fight And if I don't lose my mind I'll be with you I'll be with you Oh darling every time I try to stop Every time they call the cops If I don't do the stupid shit I do I'll be with you I'll be with you Oh darling every time I try to stop Every time they call the cops If I don't do the stupid shit I do I'll be with you
综述: 第一个:消防员。这个成就我也还没有解锁,具体解锁方式是用冰系武器打赢3村火山关。 第二个:我爱追番。这个很简单,只有你在骑士之家的电视前面待五分钟就可以了,中途不要动。 第三个:环保卫士。也是很容易得,扔20把武器到垃圾桶就可以了,建议扔肥料,不消耗。 第四个:传家宝。这个需要刷彩蛋屋才能获得,彩蛋屋就是骑士和圣骑士背后那个展版。 游戏简介: 元气骑士是一款由凉屋游戏工作室研发的一款角色扮演类游戏,于2017年2月17日发布。 《元气骑士》于2019年9月19日登陆Switch平台。 “世界危在旦夕,时间处于剑与魔法的时代,维持世界平衡的魔法石被拥有高科技的外星生物夺走了,你能否夺回魔法石拯救这个世界?”游戏讲述了外星生物夺走维持世界的魔法石的故事,玩家将扮演骑士、刺客等角色参与游戏,夺回魔法石。
一、宝石奖励 1.冒险家系列 “小小冒险家”击杀100只怪物,奖励200宝石 “小有名气的冒险家”击杀1000只怪物,奖励1000宝石 “传说中的冒险家”击杀10000只怪物,奖励2500宝石 2.通关系列 “通关啦!”通关1次普通模式,奖励2000宝石 “碉堡了!”通关1次吊炸天模式,奖励5000宝石 1.赏金系列 “小小赏金猎人”完成1次悬赏任务,奖励竹子种子X1 “老练的赏金猎人”完成10次悬赏任务,奖励魔力花种子X1 “传说的赏金猎人”完成100悬赏任务,奖励曼陀罗花种子X1 2.刺猬系列 “刺猬饲养员”在一只怪物身上插20支箭,奖励仙人掌种子X1 “刺猬大亨”在一只怪物身上插60支箭,奖励七色堇种子X1 三、元素碎片奖励 “勇士!”通关5次,奖励蓝、绿、紫、红碎片X1 “狠角色!”通关20次,奖励蓝、绿、紫、红碎片X2 “屏幕杀手!”通关100次,奖励蓝、绿、紫、红碎片X8 四、坐骑奖励 “暴走野猪训练师”击杀暴走野猪500头,解锁暴走野猪坐骑 “水晶虫训练师”击杀水晶虫500只,解锁水晶虫坐骑 “蜘蛛训练师”击杀蜘蛛500只,解锁蜘蛛坐骑 “瓦克恩训练师”击杀瓦克恩500只,解锁瓦克恩坐骑 五、皮肤奖励 “耐力试炼”使用圣骑士一次冒险中挡住1000次攻击,解锁银翼骑士皮肤 “速度试炼”使用狂战士每次BOSS战1分30秒结束并且通关,解锁狂乱的制裁之拳皮肤 “敏捷试炼”使用机器人全程不掉HP通关地牢,解锁末日科技实验体皮肤